Social Media For Restaurants-Mexican Restaurants Using Social Media Successfully (Case Study)
restaurants using social media successfully

When it comes to implementing social media for restaurants' strategy, Facebook is a great place to start as it is the social media site that has the most users. However, if you thought that posting to Facebook now and then is enough, you’d be wrong.

In this video, I'll review how restaurants using social media successfully helped a Mexican restaurant doubled their Facebook page likes, increased recommendations, and saw a rise in foot traffic by using Facebook check-ins.

When someone checks in, it is seen in their newsfeed for all their family and friends to see where they are eating. A check-in is seen as a personal endorsement of the business.

restaurants using social media successfully
Mexican restaurant marketing

Restaurant Social Media Statistics

1. 88% of people trust what friends ( and even strangers) say on Facebook about business!
2. 70% of purchases at a local business can be traced back to social media!

Facebook marketing for restaurants doesn't need to be complicated.  Let us help you implement a check-in system strategy.